Monday 22 August 2011

Ben and Jerry's Stowe Vermont, End of the road

So we started the final day of our trip with a tour of the Ben and Jerry's factory in Stowe Vermont. You can see the flavor grave yard we visited, and the tour which ended with a sampling of "Late night Snack". Delicious, so good in fact, Garreth went for seconds! Both families enjoyed the Vermonster (for breakfast, I might add!), and I do believe Team Buckland took the Gold for endurance and speed for finishing the Vermonster despite the lead time Team Darling had on us!! We had a 3 hour drive to Cornwall where we crossed, had lunch, and parted ways! We had a short stop in Ottawa, then home around 12:00 am. Kids got jammies on in Barry's Bay, and Quinn was the last awake when we pulled in exhausted, but glad we didn't encounter any moose through Algonquin Park! We are glad to be home with our wonderful memories and photos!

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