Saturday 13 August 2011

Lunenburg- Hirtle's Beach dinner with the Wallaces

We woke up to a spectacular view of the ocean, and the sun. The kids had a blast exploring the shore, and I enjoyed a picturesque 10k around the cove! We ventured into Lunenburg to do a bit of grocery shopping, home for lunch and more free time for the kids. We then went to Hirtle's beach and a little surfing for the kids. Apparently, the water wasn't much colder than Old Orchard beach. Another beautiful drive, with gorgeous houses. We had a BBQ at the Wallaces, friends of Jord's parents, and experts on the Lunenburg area. A low key night, showers for all (without flip flops!! and Grace complaining about how disgusting the shower is) and off to the Oven's to mine for gold tomorrow.

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