Sunday 14 August 2011

The Ovens, a quiet afternoon at the house, and Lunenburg

We visited the Ovens today, after all the kids enjoyed a much deserved sleep in! It is serious of caves and trails, a former gold mine. Back to the house for lunch, and a long nap for the two little boys! The big boys enjoyed a kayak paddle trough the islands with Jason, and discovered not only many crab shells and claws, but also that at low tide the shores of the islands are very mucky! The girls enjoyed playing in the yard, and we all watched a mother deer and her fawn very close up! After a wonderful steak dinner, we walked and drove around Lunenburg and enjoyed an ice cream cone or lolli pop! There are lots of wonderful historic building to see, including all the shops. The church you see burned to the ground, and was fully restored. You can also see the Lunenburg Academy, and many beautiful homes.  Of to Halifax maybe tomorrow.

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